It is a non-sleep promoting drug used for the treatment of shift work sleep disorder and narcolepsy. The main brand names that sell modafinil are Alertec ,Modavigil and Provigil. It has also been approved by the United States’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Originally, the drug was made to help people come up with fatigue issues. What it does is that it lets its users to work continuously without having the urge to sleep. Unlike when you’re tired, provigil allows you to do all sorts of work in a more focused manner than normal?
Modafinil Use
It was first approved for the treatment of narcolepsy in 1998 by the United States’ Food and Drug Administration. Later in 2003, It was also used for the treatment of work sleep disorder and hypopnea. It was found that caffeine and amphetamine were helping more with narcolepsy but provigil was the only one among them to have alpha wave promoting during wakefulness and theta wave increasing when sleeping. provigil smart drug is also being currently studied as a vital cure for the treatment of cocaine addiction. Users also purchase Modavigil memory enhancement pills. It helps its users with fatigue, narcolepsy, work sleep disorder and other hypersomnias. Just like other potent drugs, provigil is also found to have side effects on some users. You can buy modafinil 200 mg without prescription.
Dosage and Legal Status: Modafinil reviews
Usually, the prescribed dosage for treating narcolepsy and such disorders is 200 mg once a day but in some rare cases, dosage ranging between 100 mg to 400 mg is split two times a day. Doctors say that taking a 200 mg pill each day will help you with sleeping disorder and lead a healthy life. If taken in excess quantities, you may find it hard to sleep. Consuming this medicine during day time can result to sleep disturbance, users may also find it very difficult to sleep at night.
It is currently classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance by the United States federal law. After reading reviews on Modavigil you would find it to be a life changing drug but it is a very powerful drug and in the wrong hands, it could be very perilous. It is legal to import Modavigil but only when you’re registered with the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) to do so.
Side Effects
Although provigil is usually considered safe in adults, just like other potent drugs, it has some side effects too. These may include headache, nausea, nervousness, diarrhea, insomnia, dizziness, dry mouth, anxiety, anorexia, flu syndrome, chest pain, depression and neck rigidity. In some rare cases, serious side effects have also been observed which include serious allergic reaction, hives, mouth sores, trouble swallowing or breathing, blistering/peeling skin, fever and shortness of breath.
Where can you get this medicine?
If you are prescribed by the doctor, you can get it from any recognized drug store but if you’re not, you can buy provigil online. Online pharmacy used by many around the world. If you want to get rid of narcolepsy, work sleep disorder, hypersomnia and other similar sleeping related disorders, you can buy modafinil 200 mg, no sort of prescription is required when you order online.