With increase in the age, certain things in the body start changing. Aging signs start appearing on the skin, bones become weak, Energy levels start decreasing and memory starts fading. Women are more worried when the eye lashes of the eyes start fading away. They sometimes decrease or sometimes completely fade away. It is important to take care of them if you want to look beautiful with think and dark eye lashes. But we have many calcium supplements and bimatoprost solutions which will help you to have dark and think eye lashes. You can buy bimatoprost from any online store.
Latisse: Latisse is popular medicine which has gained a great popularity in very time from its release in the market. Many beautician and doctors suggest using the Latisse as they give good look to eyes by helping you to have long and thick eye lashes. You can buy Latisse with or without a prescription.
Lumigan: Lumigan is also a medicine which helps for the growth of the eye lashes. It also works like the Latisse medicine but only the usage of both the medicines is different. Just like Latisse you can buy Lumigan also online.
Both Lumigan and Latisse are similar in functionality but they differ in the usage. Latisse is used as per the direction and prescription of the doctor. Latisse is applied on the eye lashes. It has to be applied carefully. But the Lumigan medicine is taken as drops directly into the eyes. Generic Latisse and Lumigan both can be bought online but you should be very carefully when you are selecting the products. When you choose to buy Latisse or Lumigan online, just buy generic products only.
When you are planning to buy Latisse or if you are planning to buy Lumigan then you should select the generic bimatoprost as they are available in very cheaper rates online. But always choose the original products and do not always prefer cheaper ones as they can be dangerous to your eyes. When you are buying from a online store try to check for its reviews that are available online for the site and also for the product that you are buying online. Do not rush when you are buying online as you cannot see it physically. Try to find out from your family or friends who have used Latisse or Lumigan earlier and ask them to suggest you which are the right place to get the best products.
When you are applying this medicine to your eye lashes, you need to be very careful and apply it in a proper way. If the medicine is not applied in a right way then there are chances that you get fast developing eye infections and if the dose is too high then there are chances for permanent blindness. So precautions should always be taken and if you are not sure of how to use this medicine then it is better to seek the advice of the doctor which can guide you well.